Ruby Package



This package is geared towards those that have a manuscript between 60,001 and 80,000 words. This is a basic editing package. Remember, 100% of royalties will go directly to you.


Package Includes:

Basic editing for 60,001 – 80,000 words

Proofreading of final draft before publishing

Front cover, back cover, and spine design

Manuscript formatting

Front cover, back cover, and spine formatting

ISBN with barcode (additional ISBNs need to be purchased separately)

Publishing to over 40,000 retailers, bookstores, and libraries globally

New release announcement in LTA’s newsletter

New release announcement on LTA’s Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and Instagram pages

Unlimited authoring support from a bestselling and award-winning author

Monthly selling and payment statements (this service requires a bookkeeping subscription)


*Please note that you will have to start a bookkeeping subscription after publication to receive detailed information regarding your book sales. *


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